Wheelchair & Ambulatory Sports, USA

Where Excellence is Achieved

Athletics (Track/Field) 

15th Annual Kessler Foundation - WTFUSA National Wheelchair 10K Championship

Register now for the 15th Annual Kessler Foundation WTFUSA National Wheelchair 10K Championship, part of the Fred D’Elia Ridgewood Run, on Memorial Day, May 25, 2015 at Graydon Pool–201 North Maple Avenue in Ridgewood, NJ.

This event is one of the largest integrated races in the country, as wheelchair athletes compete on the same course, at the same time, as the runners. Racers compete for cash prizes! An extra $3,000 has been added to the cash awards, which brings the cash prize total to over $15,000 this year!

The Wheelchair 10K begins at 8:15am, with registration opening at 7am. Registration is $25 per racer. All participants will receive a commemorative t-shirt. Kessler Foundation will host a brief awards ceremony with refreshments immediately following the Wheelchair 10K.

Online registration closes on Thursday, May 21. If you wish to register after that date, please e-mail Race Director Angela Smith at ASmith@KesslerFoundation.org. Click for more information and registration for the Wheelchair 10K. For Hotel and Room accommodations, please visit our host hotel's website, the Residence Inn Marriott, located at 7 Boroline Road in Saddle River, NJ 07458, or call 201.934.4144

Announcing a new racing partnership!!

During the weekend of May 22 -24, the 45th Tri-State Wheelchair & Ambulatory Games will be held at Overpeck Park in Palisades Park, New Jersey. IPC endorsed track & field events and a 5K road race will be contested.  For more information or to register, please contact Jimmy Cuevas at jcuevas1969@comcast.net or Phil Galli at philg1234@comcast.net.

2015 Notable Track & Field Rulebook Changes

A. IMPLEMENT SPECIFICATIONS HAVE CHANGED: Some Junior Field implement Standards/Specifications have changed from 2014 to 2015. These changes put WTFUSA in line with the implements and weights listed in the IPC Rulebook.
Shot Put: Some shot put maximum diameters have changed. All shot puts should be measured to ensure they comply with these new max. diameters. 

B. FIELD – IPC SEATED THROWS RULE CHANGES: All athletes competing in a seated throw field class MUST comply with the below rules: 
a. 8/1/2014; Rule 35.1.F: The corner(s) of, or notches in, the seat surface may be cut to accommodate side and/or back rests or a holding bar into the main throwing frame. The size of these cuts shall not be appreciably more than the space needed to insert the rests or the holding bar in them. The seat must remain square or rectangle 

b. If an athlete cannot conform to have his/her legs in contact with the chair from the Ischial Tuberosities to the back of the knee an exemption is available from IPC (for Passport/Licensed athletes or from WTFUSA for non-licensed athletes). See Exception Request Form for exception due to Anatomical Limitation. The WTFUSA form and instructions are on the WASUSA website under Sports/athletics. 

c. 8/1/2014:- The holding bar may have layers of tape and/or any other suitable material to provide a better grip. The thickness of the tape or other alternative material must not result in any unfair advantage exceeding athlete's physical prowess.

d. The corner(s) of, or notches in, the seat surface may be cut to accommodate side and/or back rests or a holding bar into the main

throwing frame. The size of these cuts shall not be appreciably more than the space needed to insert the rests or the holding bar in them. The overall shape of the seat shall remain square or rectangular.”

Other notable rule changes for seated throws: 
  • Athletes must have both legs off the ground and be in contact with the seat from the Ischial Tuberosities to the back of the knee. 
  • An athlete may not lift from the time the athlete takes the implement into the starting position of the trial until the implement has been marked by an official. 
  • The chair may have a straight rigid holding bar with no bends or joints. 
  • If the athlete touches any holding strap outside the vertical plane of the rim of the throwing circle during the trial it shall be marked as a foul. 

Note: Please view the Throwing Frame PDF and the Officials Course PDF on the WASUSA website, under Sports/Athletics, for pictures of legal verses illegal chairs and a complete review of the new Field rules.

With the changes in the seated throw events and the elimination of class F58 in 2014, the records for Classes F32, F33, F34, F57, and F58 in all Junior, Open and Master age groups were retired. New records started to be established starting January 1, 2014. For those classes/age groups with no record as of 1/1/2015 no steel tape measurement is needed. The record will be set from qualifying meet results as long as proper Weights and Measures are employed to put the implements into competition. 

Note: Meet Directors and Referee – For records that were not set in 2014 and are still open, the throw does not have to be measured with a steel tape and the implement does not have to be re-weighed. However, all implements used in Level III meets, MUST be weighed and measured prior to competition. All other records for field must follow normal record protocols, i.e. steel tape, proper verification by Field Officials, re-weighing implements at the end of competition and the submission of proper record forms. WTFUSA will review all Level III and IPC sanctioned meet results for the year and determine the new record / Record holders.

In smaller meets, the gender rule may be waived for 5000M or longer events. Women and men may run together as long as drafting out of class/sex rules are observed.

Existing Rules that WTFUSA Wishes to Emphasize or Clarify

The IPC Rulebook supersedes all WTFUSA rules except: 
i. For athletes in the T11-13 & T20 classes, age divisions Future, U11 and U14; 
       1. The rule stating all athletes must use starting blocks is waived. The use of starting blocks and stance is within the discretion of the competitor 
ii. For all Futures, U11, and U14 class athletes competing in javelin.
       1. A throw that lands flat or tail first will not be called a foul but rather marked at the rear of the grip (if flat) or at the point where the tail hits (if tail first). 
iii. All field competitions for seated throws may contest field competitions on a flat grassy area without a pad or cage and do not require a toe board. 
iv. WTFUSA now has three Master age categories: Master35, Master50, Master60. 
v. Drafting rule exceptions for track. No drafting out of class in combined out of lane track events with individual class/age group records and awards. 
vi. Expanded exceptions for road racing. 
       1. No drafting behind support vehicles, no coaching or cheering from cyclists. 
vii. For in-lane races (Futures, U11, U14, M35, M50 & M60). 
       1. Ambulatory – Must finish with at least one (1) foot in lane. An athlete may not impede another athlete. 
       2. T11-T12 and T35a athletes who are allowed to use 2 lanes must finish in lane. 
       3. T31-34 and T51-54 – The front wheel must be totally in lane. An athlete may not impede another athlete. 

Age groups U11, U14, U16, U18, U20, U23, OPEN, M35, M50, & M60 are determined as of 12/31 of the year of competition. 

U11 and U14 athletes shall run the 1500M in class with no combining of classes for medals and records as has been the case in the past. For age divisions U16, U18, U20, and U23, all athletes will follow the class combination defined at the open IPC event level for their classes. These class combinations will be: T12 and T13; T45 and T46; T51 and T52; and T53 and T54. There will be one national record for each combined class and age group T13, T46, T52, T54 

U11 – 20m, 40m, 60m, Shot Put, Javelin, Discus 
U14 – 40m, 60m, 100m, Shot Put, Javelin, Discus 
U16 and older – 60m, 100m, 200m, Shot Put, Javelin, Discus 
Note: As of 1/1/2014 the T/F41 class is a dwarf class 

U11 – 60M, 100M, 200M, 400M, Shot Put, Javelin, Discus, Long Jump 
U14 – 60M, 100M, 200M, 400M, 800M, 1500M, Shot Put, Javelin, Discus, Long Jump 
U16 and older – 100M, 200M, 400M, 800M, 1500M, 5000M, Shot Put, Javelin, Discus, Long Jump 

6. TRACK – 4X400M Relay: 
Wheelchair and ambulatory 4X400M relays are added since 2014. See section 117 Relay in the rulebook. 

Drafting out of class is not allowed for any athlete in a non-lane race (800m and above) in which athletes are competing in non-combined classes or with athletes not within their combined class. Races in which classes are combined for one (1) set of medals or results will be allowed to draft. 

Note: The clerk of the course is encouraged to mark the back of the racing chair or athlete to denote the athlete’s class/age group to other competitors and to officials. The starter is encouraged to instruct the athletes of this rule. 

Clarification: It is WTFUSA’s position that for athletes who are in races with other classes, drafting out of class could result in records and/or order of finish results that could not be achieved if competing in their individual class event. Events should be scheduled to avoid these situations but WTFUSA understands that due to the number of classes and events to be run in a session this may not be possible without combining classes in a single heat. When heating and seeding, however, mixing genders in a heat should be avoided at all cost and never permitted at an IPC sanctioned or Level III meet.